Addressing Reproductive and Sexual Health Concerns for Older Women

Addressing Reproductive and Sexual Health Concerns for Older Women

We are leaving no one behind in our Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) intervention and this includes older women as the lifelong effects of sexuality and reproduction affect them in later life. The adverse effects of multiple pregnancies, inadequate support during pregnancy, at the time of childbirth, and in the postpartum period, reproductive tract illnesses, non-reproductive tract illnesses, and mental health issues all contribute to health problems for women in older age. 


However, these issues and concerns often go unnoticed or unaddressed, as SRH interventions are primarily targeted at young women and girls of reproductive age.   Hence, this intervention in Hulumi Community was tailored for older women, within the age bracket of 45 and older to improve their understanding of sexual reproductive health issues and increase their opportunities to remain active and healthy well into old age. More specifically, we carried out a one-day comprehensive training, facilitated by a medical practitioner, where she talked to the women about perimenopausal syndrome, menopause and its symptoms, communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS and STIs), and family planning

As women pass through menopause, they lose 10% of their bones hence, bone loss and fracture risk increase in menopausal and postmenopausal women. Consequently, she stressed the importance of calcium to their health to prevent such risks. 


We also distributed to older women still menstruating, menstrual hygiene management kits that contained disposable pads, bar soaps, a dark towel, and a hand sanitiser. 


Dunes Foundation remains committed to ensuring women and girls have the necessary knowledge and services to improve their health, and opportunities and increase their voices.